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12 Signs of Poor Digestion

“The need for Advanced Digestive Enzymes™” The Amazing Power of Digestive Enzymes:How They Work For You…And How You Suffer When They Don’t You would be astonished at how often people seek me out because they are plagued by problems that ought to be obvious but aren’t. These are people who are intelligent, committed, and curious (doctors and patients alike). I think I know the root of this frustration: Our bodies are mysterious to us because we are never taught to

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The Power of Worry & Your Immune System

  The Power of Worry & Your Immune System We all know that stress isn’t good for us, but does stress actually have the power to cause real damage on our bodies? The facts on stress just might stress you out:     What is stress? Stress leads to distress: it’s not just something you FEEL in the form of emotions, but it is REAL for your Body and it has a massive effect on your chemistry too!! The primary systems

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5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Your Immune System

5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Your Immune System There has been a lot of talk in the media about the Immune System lately and for good reason. With so many different threats to your bodily wellness out there, it’s important you get the facts. Here are 5 of the least commonly known things about your Immune System that you absolutely need to know 1. Diet Governs Everyone’s Immune System: Processed Foods, Sugars, and Simple Carbs found in our

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Masks: False sense of safety? – Kind of…

  Wearing masks when you venture out may make you feel safe and may even encourage you to gather closer to one another in social settings. Masks are useful as partial barriers, protecting others from you. But in close quarters, people think they’re “protected” and tend to gather closer because masks give a psychological sense of safety. After all, you have your mouth covered right? Well kind of… Picture the flow of water out of the tap. Now put a

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Over Fed – Under Nourished Syndrome & Modern Lifestyles: Our modern farming and food industry is full of empty-calorie, nutrient-deficient food supply that leaves our body and immune system weak, compromised and contributes to many of the modern world chronic diseases from diabetes, cardio-vascular, obesity, inflammatory, auto-immune, neurological, and many more… Focus in on REAL food that is grown with nutrient rich soil and no chemicals. Imagine going back in time prior to the industrial revolution, modern commercial farming with

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How to Keep a Strong Immune System: Body’s Best Defense & Protection

OK, FIRST: DO NOT PANIC… BREATH… SLOW DOWN… TOGETHER: WE GOT THIS COVERED… With all the news on coronavirus, it is hard to know what the best course of action is… 30 plus Years of experience in Pharmacy (Specialty Compounding/Nutraceuticals), Medical & Natural Healthcare Education, Professional/Public Speaking, and Consulting; I have had the unique opportunity to learn, connect-the-dots. Share knowledge that bridges multiple fields of sciences. From medicine, chemistry, biology, physics, nutrition, food, agriculture and various healthcare approaches. Helped me

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18 Medications ROBBING You of Nutrition!

You don’t have to be a Pharmacist like me to know that most medications have side-effects; Side-effects that interfere with the body’s biochemistry affecting everything from nutrient balance, internal biome regulation and can even impact all of the different ecosystems of the body. They can even cause permanent damage physically, emotionally, energetically, psychologically. They can even kill you.  One of the lesser-known risks of many medications is a pretty scary effect that may already be doing more harm than you

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5 Major Health Risks when Total Cholesterol is 150 or Less:

Total Cholesterol lab results are simply reporting a number and with only an upper limit and not a Lower Limit!! Does that mean the lower the better? ABSOLUTELY NOT… The most widely used lab reports do not report a range because they are not tasked to do so. Understanding and interpreting the results in relation to your health is not their job.  What you need to Know: Let’s get one thing straight… You can not SURVIVE  let alone THRIVE without

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5 Skincare Tips

Your skin is one of the largest organs in or on your body. It is exposed to the outside world and acts as a barrier between you and everything that is not your body. You feel the world through your skin with temperature, pressure and pain sensations. You nourish your body through the skin with moisture and sunlight that converts to warmth and helps make vitamin D. It is exposed to toxins and allergens in the environment that can either

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Time4Health is WAY More Than Great Quality Supplements!

“I am honored you are allowing me to guide and be a part of your Health & Wellbeing Journey.  You will discover and learn how to enhance your natural healing process, as well as, live a better quality of life that you know is possible.” Vimal,RPh,CCN, CAd, DiHom Your health is your most important possession, and that’s why we don’t stop with just providing premium clinical-grade health supplements – we’re striving to help you live a better life every single

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Worried About Bad Breath?

Bad Breath: Yes it can be embarrassing and create social distance. Breath mints, mouth sprays, and gum is not the answer. The solution can be as simple as changing some basic habits around food, drink, and oral hygiene or it can be a sign or symptom of underlying health issues that require health guidance, counsel and support.   Here are some simple steps to take to eliminate bad breath and if that doesn’t take care of your bad breath then

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Ditch your “Healthy” New Years Resolution for these 4 daily steps you can actually stick with.

  Jeans Fitting Tight After the Holidays? This was a hard holiday season for my diet and I know I can’t be the only one. In my family, we had a few more big dinners and comfort foods dishes than we should have and maybe you did too. But before you go beating yourself up, remember: no one holiday season alone can make someone heavy or thin and it’s what we do now that determines how we are going to

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Is your food & drink biting, kicking and snapping back at you?

What you love to eat & drink not loving you back? Are having to break-up and avoid certain foods and drinks? Are your meals,drinks, even snacks leaving you with a stomach ache, gut ache, thick phlegm, bloating, gas, indigestion, constipation or drained of energy, tired & sleepy? That’s your body kicking you that your ability to digest, breakdown and properly use food & drink is messed up… You can ignore it, silence it with drugs from the pharmacy and even

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“Break up with your Antacids!” A Pharmacist insider blows the whistle…

“Antacids or acid-blockers are for very short-term relief NEVER for days, months or years. Regular use is harmful and contributes to all kinds of health issues!” –Vimal Patel, RPh,CCN,CAd,DiHom (Pharmacist, Board-certified Clinical Nutritionist & Formulator) Millions suffer from heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating, constipation and other digestive issues and end up on antacids or acid-blockers that were NEVER meant to be used regularly or as a solution for ongoing stomach issues.  As a pharmacist for over 30 years, I saw countless

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Vimal Patel Appointed Chairman of the Board at The Foundation for Living Medicine

Vimal Patel was recently appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors at The Foundation for Living Medicine. Formerly known as The Gladys Taylor McGarey Foundation, the Living Medicine Model: Encourages self-responsibility for one’s health and fosters a new relationship between the patient and practitioner; Promotes a triad relationship between the patient and practitioner where the practitioner acts as the coach that guides the patient, as he or she follows the guidance of their ‘life force within’ in order to heal;

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Combating Side Effects of Cancer, Chemotherapy and Radiation

With Cancer therapy people experience digestive, intestinal, and immune deterioration. This is why people lose weight (muscle mass and hair loss), are unable to absorb nutrients properly, have immunity issues and have digestive, intestinal and bowel problems during therapy. Chemotherapy and Radiation can also cause many patients to experience body mass/muscle wasting.  A higher amount of protein is recommended to prevent weight/muscle /hair loss, maintain bone health, help with energy, and support the immune system.  Sugar reduces the immune system

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How to Avoid a Hangover

  Taking Digestive Enzymes while drinking alcohol helps to break the alcohol down. 1-2 capsules with each drink support the liver in processing the alcohol faster, which reduces the effects of hangover. Alcohol also kills the healthy flora in your system leaving you with irregular bowel movements and bad breath.  After an of evening drinking/ partying 4-6 Advanced ProBiotic Formula capsules with a full glass of water before you go to bed minimizes unpleasant breath as well as foul smelling stool.

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Immunity and Infection

  Winter is the time when adults and children get the sick.  With holiday travelling, increased desert consumption, and higher levels of stress your immune system becomes compromised.  The immunoglobulins (proteins that defend your body against germs) in Advanced Immune & Recovery Formula support your body by capturing and neutralizing germs.  If you feel something coming on or the people around you are coughing or sneezing, take 2 capsules on an empty stomach with a full glass of water at

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The Difference between Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics are a natural fibrous food material for Probiotics.  Probiotics are healthy microorganisms in the body that are specifically known to benefit the gastrointestinal or GI tract. Prebiotics create and maintain healthy conditions in the GI, which in turn helps to reduce inflammatory reactions in the GI (gastrointestinal) tract.  They promote digestive health by supporting healthy microorganisms (probiotics) which prevents “bad” bacteria overgrowth.  Prebiotics help to support the immune system, digestive functions and colon health/bowel regularity.  Different types of prebiotics

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Do the Elderly Take Too Many Pills?

As a Pharmacist and Integrative Health Practitioner, I have seen so many folks with multiple medications that have been prescribed or purchased over-the-counter that aren’t necessary. If only someone had taken the time to sit down and go over the need for them. Providing one-on-one consulting has allowed me to help so many patients with their healthcare needs. WHO (World Health Organization) more than a decade ago published a report that stated that anyone who takes more than 5 medications

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Minimizing Estrogen Dominance May Reduce the Risk Estrogen Dominant Cancers

Hormones are an important subject but most people aren’t aware of how important.  That’s because you can’t see, smell, taste, touch, or hear the hormones we are surrounded by in our daily lives.  As a Compounding Pharmacist and Integrative Practitioner I have dispensed both pharmaceutical synthetic hormones as well as made bio-identical hormones for patients. There is a place for BHRT (Bio-identical Hormone Replacement therapy) but there is also much ignorance and misconception both in the healthcare and the general

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The Latest Skinny on Resveratrol

  Recently I attended a seminar where Dr. Carrie Louise Daenell lectured on the topic of Resveratrol. After attending a research conference, Dr.Daenell had shared some exciting research on the benefits of Resveratrol with her patients, who had then shared it with their friends. Her patients were reporting that some of their friends who had taken Resveratrol still ate foods high in carbohydrates and fat, but did not gain weight. The research involved animal studies of twins where one was given Resveratrol

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The Sugary Truth about Disease

Sugar, and the foods that break down into sugar quickly (including processed foods that contain hidden sugar), are in my professional opinion, the leading contributors of Diabesity (diabetes and obesity), high blood pressure, cholesterol. cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel conditions and autoimmune issues. When you eat or drink high carb or sugar laden foods, your blood sugar level spikes.  That’s when your body releases insulin, whose job is to deal with the excess sugar.  Insulin directs sugar into the cells.  When your

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Natural Ways to Combat a Tooth Infection

     Natural Ways to Combat a Tooth Infection Recently, a patient sent me an email regarding a dental problem. During a routine cleaning, she was told that she had a fistula on her upper gum near a tooth. The dentist felt that the tooth looked infected and advised her to have a root canal. Although she understood that a root canal was necessary, she had to postpone the surgery due to a scheduling conflict. In the meantime, she was

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How to Correctly Read Nutrition Facts Labels

  Understanding the Label is the First Step to Healthy Nutrition Nutrition Facts on a label are required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on packaged food and beverages. The facts are listed in a boxed section and provide information about the nutrient content of the product. Each product must have a nutrition facts box, but the specific nutrients listed vary according to the packaged food or drink.  Learning to read labels can help you eat healthier, balanced meals.

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April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month

  April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness month.  It’s a disorder that affects millions of people. It’s important to note that irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder and not a disease. The symptoms are caused by how the gastrointestinal (GI) tract works. What is a Functional Disorder?  * “A functional disorder has its basis in how a bodily system works. A functional GI disorder refers to a “disorder of functioning” where the body’s normal activities in terms of the movement of the

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Five Healthy Essential Requirements to Boost your Child’s Brain Power

  In today’s ever increasing competitive environment, it’s important for parents to remain vigilant when it comes to their children’s health and overall performance in school. Signs of mood swings, lack of concentration, and inability to focus are signs that a child is in trouble. Yet, the solution can be as simple as good nutrition, rest and exercise.  Here are my five healthy essential requirements to ensure that your child will excel in school and in life: 1.)     Breakfast – don’t skip it.  It’s the most important

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Four Effective Ways for Overweight Children to Lose Weight

Childhood obesity is becoming an increasing health concern in the United States as well as in other countries.  Obesity can lead to many health challenges that can last a lifetime, such as Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. Dieting and limiting food consumption rarely work with children as they are extremely clever and will find a way to consume food, often without a parents’ knowledge.  After making several failed attempts to help their child lose weight, concerned parents will often

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What’s the Big Deal about being Fat, Overweight, or Obese?

  Why is obesity, overweight, and belly fat a big deal?  Many people claim that they’re happy being fat, they enjoy eating and they feel great.  The problem is that the extra fat carried on the body is not just about eating too many calories. Fat cells are not just a storage place for calories and fat.  They are living tissues that can store fat based chemicals, waste and toxins that the body is exposed to or are made in

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Will your Baby Love Veggies?

  Why eating habits during pregnancy can have a positive lifelong influence Want your newborn to be receptive to healthy eating?  Start developing a positive influence early in your pregnancy.  Recent research has suggested that what a woman eats during her pregnancy may influence the baby’s food preferences out of the womb.  As early as 4-5 months after conception, the fetus develops a sense of taste and smell; flavors from the mother’s diet are transmitted to the fetus via the

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Would you like your Fruits and Veggies with a Side of Pesticide?

  Avoiding the top 12 most contaminated foods Everyone knows that pesticides are toxic and can pose health risks.  But if you take a bite out of an apple, are you thinking that you’re ingesting pesticides, too?  Many fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides to prevent pest infestation and fungi from destroying crops.  But they can also be toxic to humans and cause diseases such as cancer and central nervous system disorders. You can decrease your pesticide intake by

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Acid/Alkaline Diet Explained

  Why it’s necessary for healthy bones and body The human body is designed to be alkaline. An alkaline diet promotes healthy bones and body.  However, most diets today lack the minerals that help to keep the alkaline balance in the body.  So, when foods are consumed that are highly acidic, an imbalance occurs in the body.  When the body is in an acidic or low pH state, it will break down bone and tap the mineral reserves to help

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Not all Vitamin Supplements are Created Equal

  Four Easy Ways to tell if your Vitamins are Working for You Although most people lead hectic lifestyles, the focus on staying healthy has gone main stream. Vitamin supplements have become well over a 25 billion dollar industry.  With so many choices today, it’s hard to know which products are the best.  As a compounding pharmacist and a nutritionist, I am often asked how consumers can tell if their supplements are worth the investment.  Here are four easy ways

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Are you Tired of Being Tired?

  Simple steps to improve metabolism and increase energy levels Fatigue or always feeling tired is a common symptom. Because of busy and stressful lifestyles most people will be affected by fatigue at one time or another. A good night’s sleep will often relieve fatigue, but not always. I have had many people come to my practice complaining of constant fatigue, or even depression, and quite often, there are underlying issues causing the problem. Stress is almost always a factor.

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The Five Most Common Reasons for Feeling “Under the Weather”

  Follow this simple regimen to start feeling better  When someone is feeling “under the weather” it generally means that they don’t feel as if they’re in optimum health. The five most common reasons are: Constipation Problems with digestion Anxiety Fatigue Depression SIMPLE SOLUTIONS These simple solutions can help to support the body so that you can start to feel better: Avoid all dairy products- milk, cheese, yogurt, and foods that contain dairy components Stay away from all grains, especially

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Acid Reflux Revealed

Is your Body burning to tell you something?  Millions of people suffer from acid reflux disease. Acid reflux occurs when acid from the stomach flows backward into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the throat and stomach. It is often painful and uncomfortable and can last for hours. Most people will try to find relief in the form of over-the-counter antacids or prescription medications. Although these products may provide quick relief from the symptoms, if used long-term, they could

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Keeping Kids from Getting Influenza

Winter is the time when adults and children get the flu.  With holiday travelling, staying up later than usual, and eating sweets, kids are bound to get run down. Their immune system becomes compromised and that results in an increased risk of symptoms of cold and flu. SUGAR COMPROMISES THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Most people don’t realize that sugar is one of the main components that depresses the immune system. Within 30 minutes after consuming sugar, the immune system becomes weakened.  This effect can

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Make This your Time 4 Health

  Have you ever heard the saying, “Many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then spend their wealth gaining health?” It rings true and I’ve seen it time and again in my practice. It is entirely possible to save your wealth and take care of your health. You can start today. Everyone wants a quick solution, something easy that will produce fast results. The solution is simple; start small, one step at a time. The Time 4 Health is

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