Why it’s necessary for healthy bones and body
The human body is designed to be alkaline. An alkaline diet promotes healthy bones and body. However, most diets today lack the minerals that help to keep the alkaline balance in the body. So, when foods are consumed that are highly acidic, an imbalance occurs in the body. When the body is in an acidic or low pH state, it will break down bone and tap the mineral reserves to help maintain balance in the body. An imbalanced diet of refined foods, excess animal protein, little or no fruits and vegetables, chronic stress, excessive or insufficient exercise, and environmental toxins all contribute to the loss of minerals reserves in bones. These imbalances can cause negative emotions, fatigue, and even illness.
Foods that are highly acidic are many of the choices that people eat daily; sodas, chocolates, beer, burgers, pastry, and dairy are among them.
To bring the body back to an alkaline balance, begin to consume foods that will help to keep the body from depleting the minerals in the bones. This Alkaline-rich food chart illustrates the types of foods that should be part of 75 percent of the diet each day:
Broccoli |
Endive |
Kale |
Asparagus |
Garlic |
Onion |
Limes |
Nectarines |
Raspberries |
Watermelon |
Tangerine |
Pineapple |
Grapefruit |
Cantaloupe |
Raisins |
Nuts |
Other ways to maintain body alkaline include :
- Drinking alkaline water enhanced with minerals
- Reducing or eliminating soda
- Take a high-quality, bio-available multi vitamin